June 2012

Jagged, slate-like rocks along the south coast of Devon. These are some of the oldest rocks in Devon at around 500 million years old.
Jagged, slate-like schist rocks along the south coast of Devon.
These are some of the oldest rocks in Devon at around 500 million years old.

Summary for  June 2012
Mean Max: 17.8ºC (-1.3ºC)
Mean Min: 11.3ºC (+1.0ºC)
Mean: 14.6ºC (-0.1ºC)
High Max: 23.9ºC 28th
Low Max: 14.2ºC 10th
High Min: 15.7ºC 28th
Low Min: 6.8ºC 19th
Mean Grass Min: 10.9ºC  
Grass Min: 5.6ºC 19th
Rain Total (gauge): 141.6 mm (342%)
Rain Total (tipping bucket): 138.2 mm (338%)
Rain Days >0.2 mm: 21 Days  
Rain Days >1.0 mm: 18 Days  
Max 24 hrs: 23.2 mm 7th
Days without any rain: 8  
Air Frost: 0 Days  
Grass Frost: 0 Days  
Snow Falling: 0 Days  
Snow (50%) @ 9am: 0 Days  
Thunder Heard: 1 Days  
Hail <5 mm: 0 Days  
Hail >5 mm: 0 Days  
Fog @ 9am: 0 Days  
Total Monthly Sunshine: 106.3 Hours (46%)
Most Sunshine in a Day: 15.6 Hours 19th
Average Daily Sunshine: 3.5 Hours  
Sunless Days: 3 Days  
Cloudless Days: 1 Days  
Total Possible Sunshine: 492.4 Hours  
Percentage of Total Sun: 22%  
Maximum UV Index: 8.9 2nd 
Time of Max UV:   13:00
Mean Soil Temp @ 30 cm:    
Min Soil Temp @ 30 cm:    
Max Soil Temp @ 30 cm:    
Mean Soil Temp @ 100 cm:    
Min Soil Temp @ 100 cm:    
Max Soil Temp @ 100 cm:    
Mean 10 Min Wind >39 mph: 0.01 Days  
N: 3.57 Days  
NE: 0.60 Days  
E: 2.85 Days  
SE: 2.11 Days  
S: 12.55 Days  
SW: 5.46 Days  
W: 0.30 Days  
NW: 1.34 Days  
Calm: 1.21 Days  
Wind Chill Low: 6.6ºC 19th
Mean Wind: 4.2 mph  
Max Gust: 34 mph 7th
  30.00 Days  
Mean Cloud Cover: 73%  
Mean RH @ 9am: 91%  
Rain Duration >0.1mm/hour: 78.8 Hours  
Frost Duration: 0.0 Hours  
Max Frost Duration in a Day: 0.0 Hours 1st
Mean Sea Temperature: 14.8ºC (-0.5ºC)
Normal for Month: 15.3ºC  
Max Sea Temperature: 17.1ºC 19th
Min Sea Temperature: 13.6ºC 1st
Mean Pressure @ 9am: 1010.5 hPa (-6.9 hPa)
Mean Pressure: 1010.2 hPa (-7.2 hPa)
Max Pressure: 1021.2 hPa 23rd 
Min Pressure: 987.3 hPa 7th
Radiation Daily Mean: 14.8 MJ/m²  
Max Daily Value: 33.1 MJ/m² 19th
Min Daily Value: 5.7 MJ/m² 7th
Number of Days with Data: 31 Days  
1-Hour Maximum: 1204 W/m² 9th
Starting Time of the Hour:   13:00
Max Dewpoint: 19.3ºC 28th
Min Dewpoint: 5.7ºC 19th
Mean Dewpoint: 11.9ºC  
Max Humidity: 98% 2nd 
Min Humidity: 56% 24th
Mean Humidity: 85% (+9)


A cool, wet and very dull month.

This June was the dullest and wettest in my record. It was also very cool at times, though the mean temperature was only -0.1°C, this was due to the warmth of the nights rather than any daytime warmth. A maximum monthly temperature of just 23.9°C, is the lowest such figure this station has ever recorded for a summer month.

Rainfall was exceptional, with over 3 times the normal falling. June is normally one of the driest months of the year.
As expected in a summer month, there were no air frosts or grass frosts. Thunder was only heard once, and it was a spectacular night storm with frequent, overhead lightning and thunder.
Sunshine levels were exceptionally low, and this month only ended up slightly sunnier than February! Easily the dullest summer month this station has recorded.
No soil temperature readings were taken due to relocation of sensors. These are planned to be installed in July 2012.
The dominant wind direction was from a southerly direction. This was due to frequent sea breezes and typical for a summer month.
Rainfall duration was 79 hours, and representative of the very wet nature of this month.
Sea surface temperatures gradually increased up until the 19th, then fell slightly through the rest of the month. The SST ended up rather below normal.
Mean pressure was well-below the average for June and indicative of the very unsettled nature of this month.
A new sensor has been added that measures solar irradiance in watts per square metre falling on a horizontal surface.
Dewpoints were often above the average, and on the 28th the dewpoint reached 19.3°C.
As with the dewpoints, the relative humidity was well-above normal.
Weather Data for Otter Valley, Devon.  June 2012  
  Temp (oC) Hum (RH%) Dewpoint (oC) Wind (mph) Rain Pressure (hPa) Grass Sun  
  Min Max Ave Min Max Ave Min Max Ave Max Ave Run mm Min Max Ave Min Hours Observations
1 15.1 21.0 18.1 73 92 83 13.5 16.8 15.2 10 1.9 46 0.0 1017 1020 1019 15.2 0.0 Cloudy all day
2 10.4 20.2 15.3 75 98 87 9.4 16.2 12.8 19 1.9 45 4.2 1006 1017 1012 9.2 4.0 Sunny intervals all day
3 13.9 17.6 15.8 76 96 86 11.9 14.4 13.2 19 4.2 101 5.8 1005 1007 1006 13.7 1.7 Brief sunny intervals all day
4 10.2 15.9 13.1 64 92 78 7.5 11.5 9.5 18 4.0 97 0.0 1007 1019 1013 10.3 2.9 Sunny intervals all day
5 10.4 14.5 12.5 81 98 90 8.1 14.0 11.1 18 3.5 85 18.8 1005 1019 1012 10.6 1.3 Brief sunny intervals all day
6 11.6 18.6 15.1 75 98 87 10.7 16.3 13.5 22 4.6 111 3.6 1000 1005 1003 10.7 2.4 Rain am, sunny intervals pm
7 12.8 15.1 14.0 85 98 92 11.7 14.2 13.0 34 7.9 189 23.2 987 1002 995 13.3 0.2 Rain, int all day. Stormy pm.
8 12.3 16.0 14.2 63 92 78 7.8 11.5 9.7 33 9.8 236 1.0 989 1007 998 11.3 1.6 Sunny intervals all day
9 8.4 17.2 12.8 60 95 78 6.6 11.9 9.3 19 3.8 92 0.0 1007 1011 1009 6.4 4.4 Sunny intervals all day
10 11.6 14.2 12.9 86 96 91 10.2 13.2 11.7 9 1.3 30 8.0 1004 1011 1007 11.5 0.0 Rain all day
11 9.0 17.1 13.1 71 98 85 8.0 13.4 10.7 14 1.4 35 0.0 1002 1005 1003 8.2 1.7 Brief sunny intervals all day
12 11.1 18.8 15.0 64 93 79 9.5 12.3 10.9 15 2.6 62 0.0 1005 1013 1009 10.5 3.1 Sunny intervals all day
13 11.3 16.1 13.7 80 97 89 10.3 13.3 11.8 11 0.9 22 6.4 1013 1016 1014 11.9 2.7 Brief sunny intervals all day
14 12.2 14.6 13.4 82 95 89 10.1 13.0 11.6 18 2.7 64 1.8 1006 1016 1011 13.1 0.3 Cloudy all day, rain evening
15 12.7 16.5 14.6 73 97 85 10.9 13.4 12.2 29 9.9 237 7.4 1005 1007 1006 13.0 2.3 Sunny intervals all day
16 12.8 15.9 14.4 81 92 87 10.5 13.3 11.9 30 10.7 256 2.8 1005 1011 1008 11.8 0.8 Brief sunny intervals all day
17 9.6 18.1 13.9 74 97 86 8.3 14.1 11.2 23 3.9 94 0.4 1011 1017 1014 8.4 8.3 Sunny intervals all day
18 9.2 17.8 13.5 73 97 85 7.8 13.8 10.8 22 3.8 90 0.6 1015 1018 1017 7.7 11.0 Sunny intervals all day
19 6.8 19.3 13.1 59 98 79 5.7 13.0 9.4 13 2.4 58 0.0 1017 1019 1018 5.6 15.6 Sunny all day
20 6.9 18.9 12.9 58 98 78 5.8 13.0 9.4 14 1.3 35 10.8 1010 1018 1014 6.0 4.2 Sunny intervals all day
21 11.2 15.4 13.3 89 97 93 9.9 14.1 12.0 17 2.5 61 15.6 1003 1010 1006 12.4 0.5 Rain all day
22 10.9 18.5 14.7 60 97 79 9.0 12.3 10.7 25 5.8 140 2.0 1006 1019 1012 10.8 7.0 Sunny intervals all day
23 8.4 17.5 13.0 66 98 82 7.4 12.1 9.8 22 4.6 111 8.8 1017 1021 1019 6.7 4.6 Sunny int am, rain evening
24 11.9 20.3 16.1 56 97 77 10.7 13.6 12.2 23 5.6 122 4.6 1010 1017 1013 12.3 7.2 Cloudy am, sunny pm
25 9.4 18.6 14.0 69 97 83 8.7 14.2 11.5 12 2.2 52 0.0 1016 1019 1018 7.3 0.4 Brief sunny intervals all day
26 12.8 20.0 16.4 85 97 91 11.5 18.3 14.9 13 1.8 44 1.8 1018 1020 1019 13.3 0.5 Brief sunny intervals all day
27 14.1 18.7 16.4 88 98 93 12.8 16.7 14.8 13 1.8 42 0.0 1013 1020 1017 12.3 0.0 Cloudy all day
28 15.7 23.9 19.8 72 98 85 12.7 19.3 16.0 22 4.2 101 11.8 1002 1013 1007 16.2 8.0 Misty am, sunny intervals pm
29 14.4 18.3 16.4 76 97 87 12.8 15.8 14.3 26 8.2 197 2.0 1001 1004 1003 14.8 2.6 Sunny ints am, lshowers pm
30 12.8 18.7 15.8 68 96 82 10.7 14.3 12.5 26 6.4 154 0.2 1004 1010 1007 11.0 7.1 Sunny intervals all day
11.3 17.8 14.6 73 96 85 9.7 14.1 11.9 20 4.2 3006 141.6 1007 1014 1010 10.9 106.3  

Graphs for June 2012

Figure 1. Temperature and Rainfall for June 2012.
Figure 2. Sunshine, UV Index and solar irradiance for June 2012.
Figure 3. Wind direction for June 2012.
Figure 4. Sea surface temperature & cooling/heating days for June 2012.
Figure 5. Mean wind speed, calm hours and air pressure for June 2012.