Welcome to the Otter Valley Weather website
The Otter Valley Weather Station is situated alongside the River Otter near Dotton, between the villages of Newton Poppleford & Colaton Raleigh in the hinterland of south-east Devon, England, four kilometres west of the coastal regency town of Sidmouth.
Otter Valley SkyCam. Available during daylight hours.
Otter Valley SkyCam
Current UV at 23:24
High Today at 12:23
Monthly UV High
at 3.6 on the 4/10/24
Annual UV High
at 9.6 on the 1/7/24
Latest Weather at 23:24
Temp: 12.2°C (0.1°C/hr)
Dew point: 9.0°C
Today's Rain: 0.0 mm
Pressure: 1011.1 hPa
(Falling at -0.7 hPa/hr)
Wind: South South East at 0 mph
Today's Highs & Lows
High: 13.3°C at 14:39
Low: 1.9°C at 7:45
Dew point high: 9.4°C at 22:09
Rain last 24 hrs: 0.0 mm
Max Gust 7 mph at 22:05
  1 to 2: Very low risk of
sunburn on all skin types
  3 to 4: Moderate risk of
sunburn on fair skin
  5 to 6: High risk of
sunburn on fair skin
  7 to 8: Very high risk of
severe sunburn
  9 to 10: Extreme UV - risk of
sunburn on all skin types
Sunrise: 7:32  Sunset: 18:30;  Moonrise: 16:22  Moonset: ---
Comfort Level: Cool;  Heat Stress: ---
Photographs © Otter Valley Weather
Website by Cirrus Web Designs